Advocacia Dr. Elvio Henriqson
Dr. Elvio Henriqson
The rendering of legal services began in 1956 with Dr. Rosalvo Barcellos Henriqson, a lawyer whose degree was awarded by the Federal University of the State of Rio Grande do Sul; his office was then still in the old Di Primio Beck building in Porto Alegre. On completing his third graduate course - Accounting, Economics and Law - he was qualified to offer complete advisory legal services in the business field, including consulting, tax and corporate planning at a preventive level, and tax, commercial and civil law at a contentious level. Currently the office is managed by Dr. Elvio Henriqson, together with a highly qualified group of lawyers, giving continuity to the work developed over decades and that, in 2006, will complete 50 years.
With offices in Porto Alegre/RS, at Rua Carlos Trein Filho, 45 conj. 301, Auxiliadora, ZIP Code 90450-120, phone/fax + 55 (51) 3337-4854, and in Novo Hamburgo/RS at Rua Tupi, 1303, conj. 403, Centro, ZIP Code 93320-050, phone/fax + 55 (51) 3593-7887, e-mail:, services are offered statewide in all Rio Grande do Sul, especially in the regions of Porto Alegre, Greater Porto Alegre and the Sinos Valley; there are also correspondent lawyers in the states of Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, and abroad, as in Montevideo (Uruguay), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Asunción (Paraguay), Santiago (Chile).
Name: Elvio Henriqson
Nationality: Brazilian
Place of birth: Porto Alegre
Profession: Lawyer, Business Adviser, Professor of Tax Law
Registered in the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB/RS) under number : 25.913
Higher Education:
Graduate in Law from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Postgraduate in Tax Law from the Sinos River Valley University
Postgraduate in Law from the Department of Justice's Law School
University professor
President of the Rio Grande do Sul Tax Law Academy
Ex member of the Selection and Prerogative Board of the Brazilian Bar Association, Rio Grande do Sul Section.
PREVENTIVE: Preventive counseling consists in the study of taxes whose enforcement is illegal or unconstitutional, or of legal procedures that result in a reduction of a tax burden and included in the concept of tax avoidance. Taxation and corporate planning, tax audits, due diligence, and opinion regarding all taxes foreseen in the national taxation system, such as income tax, import duties, financial operations tax, rural property taxation, industrialized products tax, export tax, dues, assessment for benefits, social charges, education salary, social charges on profits, added value tax, tax on motor vehicles, death duties and donations tax, services tax, urban property tax, among others…
JUDICIAL: Judicial counseling consists in the filing of suits or in following up legal actions that involve taxation and secondary fiscal obligations, as well as presenting defense or contesting fiscal charges, and entering appeals.
PREVENTIVE: preventive counseling in this field includes the necessary guidance for carrying out commercial transactions, especially regarding contracts and the legal situations arising from them. Corporate opinion and planning, mergers, incorporations, splits, holdings, composition with creditors, property succession.
JUDICIAL: Judicial counseling consists in the filing or following up of legal actions relating to this field.
PREVENTIVE: preventive counseling in this field includes the necessary guidance for carrying out commercial transactions, especially regarding contracts and the legal situations arising from them
JUDICIAL: Judicial counseling consists in the filing or following up of legal actions relating to this field.
PREVENTIVE: preventive counseling in this field includes the necessary guidance for avoiding conflicts involving liabilities, especially regarding contracts and the legal situations arising from them.
JUDICIAL: judicial counseling consists in filing suits, presenting defense, appeals and labour calculations and following up legal actions in this field.
TAX VIOLATIONS: counseling in this field includes the necessary guidance regarding preventive procedures to avoid incurring in illegal tax operations, as well as providing eventual defense in criminal tax proceedings, embezzlement or others relating to fiscal documents.
TAX PLANNING: legal services in this field include the consulting necessary for taxation planning, defined as tax avoidance, that is, the quest for totally legal proceedings aimed at tax savings, whether relating to future generating events, or relating to events generated in the past and paid in non-conformity with applicable laws. Tax and corporate planning, fiscal audits, due diligence and opinion regarding every tax foreseen in the national taxation system, such as income tax, import duties, financial operations tax, rural property taxation, industrialized products tax, export tax, dues, assessment for benefits, social charges, education salary, social charges on profits, added value tax, tax on motor vehicles, death duties and donations tax, services tax, urban property tax, among others…
PROPERTY REORGANIZATION Legal services in this field include corporate and property planning of assets pertaining to partners and corporations, with a view to protecting them against eventual responsibilities arising from their commercial activities which, by force of the law, could end up affecting corporate assets and personal property. Opinion and planning, formation of holding companies, mergers, splits, incorporation, capital re-engineering, property succession, among others…
LEGAL AUDITS Legal services in this field include research and revision of corporate information with juridical repercussion, such as analysis of tax and labour liabilities, debts to suppliers, revision of routines with a view to reducing the risks of running up debts, receipt of credits with less default. Due diligence, fiscal audit.
FORMATION, PURCHASE OR SALE OF COMPANIES The rendering of legal services in this field includes legal advice for the setting up of new organizations, and consulting to the end of organizing the most adequate corporate structure for foreign companies and investors who plan to invest in Brazil. It also involves consultancy for purchasing or selling companies, usually long drawn-out negotiations with a high degree of legal risks, very often requiring additional fiscal audits and corporate, tax and assets planning. Due diligence for purchasing or selling.
R. Carlos Trein Filho, 45, sala 301
Porto Alegre - RS
+55 51 3337-4854
+55 51 3593-7887